
How And Why Does Juliet's Relationship With The Nurse Change

Asked past: Aiyan Rissol
asked in category: General Concluding Updated: 26th January, 2020

How does the nurse show her love for Juliet?

The Nurse is a earthy, overly talkative,and humorous character in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. She teases, merely is completely devoted to Juliet. She eventually betrays Juliet's wishes past giving her unkind advice. Even then, the Nurse is completely grief-stricken by Juliet'south feigned death.

The Nurse's central role within the play is to human activity as a get-between for Romeo and Juliet, and is the simply other grapheme likewise Friar Laurence to know of their wedding. The Nurse, despite being a servant in the Capulet household, has a function equivalent to that of Juliet's mother and regards Juliet as her ain daughter.

Subsequently, question is, why does Juliet respond to the nurse as she does? Juliet responds this mode because she doesn't want anyone knowing she loves a Montague.

Similarly one may ask, how does Juliet feel about the nurse?

Juliet's feelings about the Nurse alter throughout the play. In the first of the play (Deed ane) Juliet clearly looks up to the Nurse as a motherly figure. She sees her as someone that she can trust and who knows more than about her than even her real mother does.

Why does the nurse betray Juliet?

The Nurse betrays Juliet past advising her to deny the wedlock to Romeo and wed Count Paris instead. Her reasoning is that Romeo is banished, and cannot come back to object.

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